Reading Fluency

What is reading fluency? It is not just speed. In fact, it is very possible to read too fast. Our goal is to teach children to read with expression and accurate speed. How do we know what that speed is? I always tell students that we should try to read like we are simply talking to someone.

Expression It is hard to listen to someone read with a monotone voice. It is even hard to listen to yourself read with no expression.

The best way to improve expression, and fluency in general, is to tape record a child (or adult) and let them hear how they sound for themselves. In a classroom, you could even let them get in groups and critique each other. Do this every couple of months to allow children to "hear" their own progress.

Another great way to help students improve expression is to act out plays. This allows children to "get into character". In addition, it is fun -- and we definitely want reading to be fun!~

Speed This can be challenging to work on sometimes, because there are so many different reasons why reading can be slow.

One reason is that the person is thinking too much about each word. Self-conciousness will always slow you down and make you rethink what you know. We want reading to become practiced so much that it is automatic.

Another reason reading can be too slow is that the student simply does not know how to read well. This is why the foundation of reading is so important. The sounds of each letter should be known without even thinking about it. Basic phonics skills should also be so automatic that you don't have to stop and think about them in the middle of a sentence or story.

How do we get automatic? Practice Practice Practice

* Practice the sight words listed on the sight words page.
* Practice reviewing letter sounds.
* Practice phonics skills within words.

Accurate speed will also improve comprehension. If a person is reading too slowly, understanding of the story or passage is lost.

Activities to Increase Speed

Poems Reading poems will increase speed as long as the student is rereading the same ones. The more it is read, the more confident the student will become with the poem, and expression and speed will both be enhanced.
Students can be encouraged to read poems by giving them a poem to take home and challenge them to read it to 3-5 people.

Reader's Theaters You can find reader's theaters and plays on the internet, as well as books of them in teacher stores. Give students parts to read in these activities and have students practice them repeatedly before performing. The goal is not to have them memorize the parts, but to read them to perfection. This will not only give them practice at reading with expression and fluency, but will also give lots of confidence, which is something that is many times missing.

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